How to get rid of bats living under the roof


Most people have been afraid of bats since childhood. And if this malicious-looking animal seems to find a haven on the roof of a residential building or even in an apartment? The constant rustling, the dominance of high-frequency sounds and the possibility of the unexpected appearance of an uninvited guest in a room can cause fear even in people with the strongest nerves. Therefore, if a bat visits your house, you need to immediately think about how to drive it away. Especially considering the possible replenishment in the family. Let's find out what harm these animals can cause and consider effective ways to get rid of them.

What inconvenience do bats living under the roof

Given the characteristics of the existence and diet of these animals, they can hardly be attributed to pests. Bats very rarely come in contact with people, as they live in dark and inaccessible places. They feed on insects, and often those that destroy crops. In this regard, animals can even be useful, for example, for gardeners and gardeners.

Now let's talk about the unpleasant attributes of the close habitat of bats. The harmfulness of bats is manifested in the following:

  1. The lack of silence (especially with night time). Such neighbors will not let you sleep well, constantly rustling and making an unpleasant whistle.
  2. The destruction of wooden beams. The rattle coming from these animals is formed due to scratching of the wood. The forest also destroys mouse droppings, which in addition attract various insects.
  3. Unpleasant smell and evaporation of excrement can provoke Darling's disease in adolescents and people aged, which negatively affects the lungs of a person.
  4. The possibility of a bite. If the animal lives under the roof of a residential building, then there is a small chance that it will fly into your apartment. Bats have sharp claws and teeth, so catching them with bare hands is undesirable - you can get a painful wound.

Important: If this happens, you should immediately seek medical help and get an urgent vaccination. The fact is that bats, like all other rodents, are often carriers of infectious diseases.

Bat shows sharp teeth
The bat can be a carrier of infection

To drive out bats is not an easy task, because these animals consider roofs to be their true home. They are strongly attached to the house and do not leave it for a long time. Therefore, getting rid of them can cause you a lot of trouble and take some time.

This is interesting: In some states, bats are endangered animals, and some species are listed in the Red Book. Therefore, to exterminate, block their habitats, and also harm these animals in any other way is strictly prohibited.


The bat hung upside down, clinging to a wooden beam
The bat under the roof often gives concern over its night outings

Before etching an animal from your home, you need to determine its habitat. As a rule, such animals live in dry abandoned places with various ledges, for which you can cling to and hang upside down. In apartment buildings, bats often settle under the roof. There are times when these animals nest in apartments - on the balcony or in ventilation systems. At the dacha, meetings with such “cohabitants” occur much more often. Bats settle under the roof in the attic and can choose a wooden barn.

Flock of bats under the roof
Bats usually nest in one place

Finding the exact habitat is easy. You just need to wait for the moment when the animals fly out of their home.They usually hunt at night and at dusk. You can determine the location of the nest in another way - by litter. Bats leave piles of excrement right outside their home. Their droppings are dark brown in color with shiny dots - these are shells of insects. It is not like the excrement of rodents, for example, mice or rats, so it is very difficult to confuse it with anything. Now consider the most effective methods of getting rid of these unpleasant neighbors.

Ways to get rid

There are many effective ways to deal with bats. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. The choice is worth making, based on the simplicity of the procedure, as well as on the cost of a special tool or device. Do not forget about the number of animals nesting under the roof of your house or barn.

  1. The most effective method is to block the entrance to the house of bats. Sealing the nests involves blowing out all slots and exits with foam. In this case, make sure that all members of the family are at liberty. Otherwise, the animals remaining inside will die, and their carcasses will begin to rot and exude an unpleasant odor.
  2. Smoking mice with smoke. This method is considered doubtful, because the smoke quickly dissipates. And if you don’t close the entrance to the nest (you can use mounting foam), then over time the animals are likely to return. However, this method can be harmful to your health.
  3. Set traps. Mousetraps can be made with your own hands or bought in specialized stores. However, do not forget that bats are considered very intelligent animals. And if the animals realize that they are in danger, they will stay away from traps. Moreover, given the rate of their reproduction, installing such devices will not help you catch all the mice.
  4. Increased sound pressure. Some believe bats are afraid of loud music. How effective this method is is still unknown. However, you can turn on loud music and check it out.
  5. Special chemicals. The use of such substances is not the most correct solution, since the body of any animal is able to adapt to such means. It should be remembered that the animal may be a rare species protected by law. If you still decide to use this method of getting rid of bats, then be sure to consult a competent specialist first.
  6. Ultrasonic repeller. Manufacturers claim that this is the most effective remedy for bats under the roof or in the attic. The principle of operation of this device is the emission of ultra-high frequency sound waves of 35-60 kHz. The human ear is not able to pick up such sounds, so for us these devices are considered harmless, but only if the sound power does not exceed 130 dB. But for rodents and bats, this frequency is unfavorable and this scares them away. The effectiveness of ultrasound devices also depends on the correct placement and their number, taking into account their power and radius of action.
Ultrasonic Bat and Rodent Repeller
Ultrasonic repeller repels bat, while not causing discomfort to humans

Important: You can not expel bats during the period of feeding offspring, because the cubs themselves can not leave the house. Maternity season begins with spring warming. In winter, it is also undesirable to drive out mice, since animals hibernate, and, having got out of the nest, can die due to lack of food.

If you do not succeed in removing bats yourself, then you should contact a special service for help. Its employees will do the job as efficiently as possible in the shortest possible time.

Bats, settled in a residential building, will cause its residents discomfort. You can drive out these animals by resorting to the most effective methods that we mentioned in this article.

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