How to get wasps and bumblebees from under the roof

Roof wasps nest

Many people have a certain dislike towards wasps, bumblebees and other flying insects. And not in vain! After all, these creatures can harm a person. If such insects often fly into your house or apartment - you need to get rid of them urgently. And given the fact that the nest is nearby, the question of its elimination becomes extremely relevant. Let's find out what danger wasps carry to humans and how to drive them out of the house once and for all.

Discomfort from the neighborhood with insects under the roof

The phrase "Do not touch them - and they will not touch you" is not always true for wasps and hornets. In relation to these insects, one cannot be sure that being a few meters from their shelter, a malicious flock will not fly out of it. The fact is that wasps can smell danger at any moment and rush to defend their house with a whole swarm. But what if a child walks near the nest, moreover, without supervision?

Wasp sitting on a finger
Hornet - the most dangerous member of the family

An insect bite carries a great danger. A wasp can not only sting much, but also introduce poison into the skin, which it has enough. Unlike bees, these insects can inflict several bites at once, while each time injecting a toxin into the human body. The most dangerous are paper wasps and hornets. The latter are the largest representatives of the genus Hymenoptera, and their bites are the most painful and poisonous. Under the roofs of houses paper wasps often settle.

This is interesting: Paper wasps got this name because of the substance that they create for the construction of a home. The fact is that insects make building material for nests according to the principle similar to paper production: they grind wood fibers, linking them with saliva.

How to get rid of wasps

Before dealing with the removal of insects, you should find out the reason for their visit to your house. For example, at the end of summer, wasps replenish in the family and young individuals need food. Therefore, in this period, the appearance of wasps can only be associated with the search for food. However, it also happens that insects have already managed to settle in the house. If this is true, then they will be visited very often by the whole horde, and the presence of their favorite food products (grapes, apples or raspberries) will be optional for them. The nest located under the roof of the house is not difficult to find and its searches usually do not take much time. You will immediately see exactly where the insects fly. Often, wasps build their nests between the walls and the casing, with direct access to the street. When the place of residence is determined, it is time to think about how to drive these “neighbors” away.

Security measures

Beekeeper's protective suit
Observance of safety measures during the work with insects - above all!

Removing wasps and bumblebees from the nests is a dangerous activity. Therefore, before carrying out this procedure, you should take care of personal health, as well as the safety of your home. Here are the basic rules that must be followed in order to get rid of wasps or hornets without incident.

  1. Work on the removal of insects should be carried out in tight clothing, preferably in overalls with long sleeves. A mesh mask should be worn on the head and gloves on the hands. You can also purchase a special beekeeper's protective suit.
  2. If the hornet’s nest is located under a wooden roof, the use of fire is strictly prohibited.
  3. It is advisable to eliminate the nest at night when all the insects are inside. In addition, at this time of day, insects are inactive.
  4. When eliminating the aspen dwelling, one should not pay attention to individual individuals flying out, because upon death, the insect exudes pheromone, which contributes to an increase in the activity of the remaining members of the family.
  5. If you couldn’t "get quiet" to get rid of pests and a hornet swarm flew right at you, then you need to slowly move away from the nest and wait two hours. When the insects calm down, you can try to repeat the procedure.
  6. With the independent use of special chemicals, you must carefully read the instructions for their use.
  7. Before starting an independent withdrawal of insects, it is advisable to notify all neighbors and ask them to close their windows and doors.

After studying the safety requirements, you can go directly to the procedure for removing insects. You can get rid of wasps and bumblebees using modern or "grandfather" methods. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so we will consider only the most effective and proven methods.


Special substances do their job perfectly, killing insects on the spot. But there is one caveat - the use of chemicals can adversely affect human health. Therefore, if you decide to get rid of insects through such drugs, you should not stay in the room in which they were used. To your attention a list of the best chemicals for insect control:

  • Gett. A liquid remedy, great for fighting not only wasps, but also other types of insects. The product is odorless and, according to manufacturers, does not harm human health. It has a high duration of action and is very effective, as it is distributed in the population by the insects themselves.
  • Ksulat is a relatively new and powerful insect repellent. It can be used indoors or outdoors.
  • Moskitol. The drug is a toxic spray, so it is allowed to use it only on the street.
  • Trapsiel. A highly effective liquid product that must be diluted with water, and the nest can be sprayed with the resulting solution.
  • Dichlorvos and Raid. Probably the most famous remedies for all types of insects. From these sprays, pests first "stupefy", and then die.
  • Bros Another good spray against wasps and hornets. The duration of action is 3-4 days.
  • Empire is a professional insect repellent. It can be used both at home and in transport.

Now consider the most effective ways to get rid of wasps through special drugs:

Wasp eats old jam
An old candied jam or a piece of meat can serve as bait.
  1. We poison insects with the help of baits. This method is considered quite safe for humans, in addition, it is easy to implement. First you need to make the bait. For wasps and hornets, it is best to use a piece of meat or sour jam. They need to add a couple of grams of any liquid insecticidal drug (Gett, Lambda Zone or boric acid), and it is recommended to put the bait or pour it on a plate and put it in a prominent place. Poisoned insects, once in the nest, themselves will distribute the drug microcapsules, and the whole family will die.
  2. Another way is to cover the nest with a plastic bag with a special preparation inside. In advance, you need to prepare a strong large-sized bag so that you can completely cover the nest. Then pour there about 200 ml of the previously prepared solution (insecticide diluted with water). And in the end, quickly put the bag on the nest so that the wasps were not able to get out. For example, the neck of a bag can be glued with duct tape to the roof. Remove the package no earlier than 3 days. Before removing the package, it is advisable to make sure that all insects have died. To do this, you can tap on the nest: if the wasps do not emit buzzing, then they are dead.
  3. The third way is to treat the nests with special chemical sprays (Moskitol, Troapsil and Dichlorvos). It is desirable to carry out such a procedure in the dark. Within 3 days after spraying the drug on the nest, all insects will die.

Folk methods

You can also get rid of stinging neighbors by folk methods. Their main advantage is that the prepared products are completely safe for people and pets. Consider the most effective and proven folk methods.

Insects trapped in a bottle
A plastic bottle wasp trap - an economical solution
  1. Wasp traps are the same bait, but in this case, poisonous drugs are not used. The fixture can be purchased at a horticultural store or made by hand. The simplest trap can be made from a plastic bottle. To do this, we cut the container in half with scissors, unscrew the cap and insert the top of the bottle with the neck down. Then we pour sugar syrup, jam or beer into the trap - their insects simply adore. Climbing inside the trap, the wasps will be full of food, but they will no longer be able to find a way out of the trap and die inside.
  2. Burning nests. This method is very effective and does not take much time. It is known that wasps erect their homes from flammable material, similar in structure to paper. As a result, the nest burns to the ground in a few seconds. The burning procedure consists in watering the aspen nest with gasoline or kerosene, followed by burning. At the same time, do not forget about compliance with security measures. As noted earlier, if the nest is located under a wooden roof, then this method of eliminating wasps is strictly prohibited.
  3. Filling the nests with water. You can get rid of insects with the help of simple boiling water, which you just need to fill the hive. First, put a plate with some bait near the aspen dwelling, this will distract insects. And then fill the nest with water from a bucket or large pan. This method is ideal if the hive is located in the ground. If the wasps settled under the roof of the house, then the implementation of this method is a little complicated. In this case, the essence of the method is to completely immerse the nest in a bucket of water. The edges of the vessel should be pressed firmly to the ceiling. From below, it is desirable to support the bucket well: for this, use a stepladder or a solid board. It is advisable to keep insects under water for at least a day.

Important: After the destruction of wasps, you need to get rid of the nest itself. If this is not done, then the insects can settle in your home again after a while, and all the work will be in vain.

Wasp repeller installed under the roof of the house
The device for scaring away wasps and bumblebees looks pretty enough, but not always harmless to human health

In addition to the use of chemicals and folk methods, to combat insects, you can use a special electronic device - wasp repeller. It is a fake nests. The principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that insects try to stay away from other people's nests in order to avoid the attack of the like, protecting their home. The device emits magnetic waves that repel insects. At the same time, such devices have a bad effect on human health, which is why it is allowed to use them only in cottages or in garages.

The easiest way to get rid of insects and eliminate their homes is to call a pest control service. Professionals with special clothes and equipment will save you from unwanted neighbors in the shortest possible time, as well as prevent their further appearance.

If uninvited guests have not yet managed to settle in your house, and only occasionally appear in a casual search for food, they can coexist peacefully. But in the case of regular visits, insects should immediately expel them. Use only proven and effective methods.

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