Advantages, characteristics and types of corrugated board

There is no such place wherever you see fences, roofs and gates made of corrugated metal. He received his recognition a long time ago, and his popularity is constantly growing. Today, roof decking as a topcoat is used in private, civil and industrial construction. This article will discuss the properties, types, characteristics and advantages of this practical and aesthetically beautiful building material.

What is corrugated board?

Sheets of corrugated board
Sheets of corrugated board

In appearance, the material is very attractive. It is a profile that can be of different geometric shapes - wave, trapezoid, triangle, etc. Galvanized corrugated board is obtained by cold rolling from galvanized sheet. Subsequently, the obtained profile is coated on both sides with a resistant anti-corrosion polymer coating. The technology of this process may be different, as well as the color of the sheet. In some cases, coverage is optional and the profile may be without it.
Roofed corrugated corrugated shape is especially in demand in the manufacture of roofing. This coating is well adapted to weather changes. It does not corrode under the influence of different types of precipitation, and when interacting with the sun's rays it does not change its color, that is, it does not fade.

If you are interested in a roof, which should have a sophisticated attractive appearance, then it is best to use galvanized corrugated board, coated with a colored polymer coating, for roofing.

What explains the popularity of roofing sheeting?

The popularity that galvanized corrugated board has has is due, first of all, to its operational properties. Here, and the aforementioned resistance to atmospheric influence in the form of precipitation, and resistance to sunlight. It perfectly withstands mechanical influences in the form of hail and falling branches, and also does not lend itself to corrosion.
Galvanized profiled sheeting for the roof is also popular due to its low specific gravity. In most cases, it ranges from 5.5 to 9.5 kg / m2. Everything will depend on the thickness of the metal used.
Builders love this material because it is easy to work with and easy to assemble. It attracts homeowners and developers with its low cost. All this makes galvanized corrugated board an indispensable and most practical material for covering the roof, especially if you want to carry out such work yourself.

Great material for a variety of purposes.

Hot flooring at first glance seems to be a simple and narrow-profile material, it is very diverse. Different types of corrugated board can be used completely for different purposes, for example, such:

  1. roofing device
  2. creation of wall elements,
  3. creation of supporting structural elements.
Decking brands
Decking brands

In each individual case, you will need a completely different brand, which will depend on many facts, including the type of construction. When deciding which decking is best for the roof, you should familiarize yourself with its characteristics.
Among a fairly large assortment, there are varieties of corrugated board that are most popular with consumers. Classification allows you to choose the material whose brand is most suitable for a specific purpose. Let us dwell on the designation of the sheet thickness:
H-60. The galvanized corrugated board has a thickness of 0.5 mm - 0.9 mm and a weight of 5 kg - 12 kg / m? at a wave height of 60 mm. It is used mainly in the construction of load-bearing systems, as well as in the installation of durable top coatings for roofs. It can be an excellent material for the construction of fences and fences, as well as the construction of garages.
H-75. The sheet has a thickness of 0.7 - 1.0 mm, the weight ranges from 9.2 - 12.0 kg / m ?. Roofing sheet of this brand has a wave height of 75 mm and in its parameters refers to a universal material. It is suitable, in most cases, for any purpose. As a supporting and protective structure, it can be used for roofing and ceilings.

H-114. The most powerful of all the proposed varieties. Galvanized corrugated board has a sheet thickness of 0.7 - 1.2 mm, it weighs 10.2 - 14.5 kg / m? and has a wave height of 114 mm. In order to increase power, it is strengthened with the help of additional grooves. The texture of this profile is not only capable of providing reliable protection - its noble appearance makes the building more spectacular and attractive in appearance. Such roof decking is used where structural strength is needed, although it can also be used for other purposes.

H-153. This sheet is called the European standard. It has a sheet thickness of 0.7 - 1.5 mm, weighs 10.3 - 21.5 kg / m ?, its wave height is 153 mm. The material is used for the installation of ceilings and for the installation of the roof. Types of corrugated board of this brand are popular due to the ability to use them on roofs with a crate pitch of less than 9 meters.

H-158. Roofing decking of this brand has an increased demand, since it has the highest wave - 158 mm and can be used on roofing surfaces with a crate pitch of up to 9 meters. Such a profile is ideal when it is necessary to mount load-bearing and other types of structures. Galvanized corrugated board grade N-158 is characterized by maximum strength and stiffness of the sheet.


In the designation of this material, the numbers correspond to the height of the corrugation or stiffeners.

Profiled Flooring Features

Corrugated Roof
Corrugated Roof

You probably noticed that the roofing sheeting of different categories differs in the thickness of the metal, the weight and height of the corrugation or stiffeners.

The designations that are used to determine one or another type of material reveal its characteristic features and indicate specific types of corrugated board.

The material, which begins with the letter C in the designation, is used as a wall material, the letter H indicates the roofing of the corrugated board. In the case when two letters of the National Assembly are used, we can talk about its universal purpose, when the material is used both for roofing and for erecting walls.

It should be borne in mind that the roofing sheet can be produced with different thicknesses of the metal sheet, but at the same time have the same height. The length of the profile can be different - from 0.5 meters to 12 meters.

When installing the roof, as a rule, material with a profile height of more than 35 mm is used. On roofs having a short slope length, a profile is used, the wave height of which is 21 mm and which has the designation H and HC.

Types of corrugated board, their distinguishing features and application

As already noted, corrugated board is distinguished by its diversity. Not having certain knowledge among him, you can get confused. Choosing a professional flooring for a roof, how to choose exactly the material that will meet all the necessary requirements?

A little earlier, we paid attention to the designation of the thickness of the sheets, and now we will tell you how roof decking is marked depending on the purpose. Manufacturers produce different brands, denoting them with a letter. Knowing in advance what information it carries, at the time of purchase you can have no doubt in your choice.

  1. Roofing “N” is the most durable variety of profiled sheets. In this designation, the letter draws attention to the characteristic - “bearing”.It has the largest thickness, height of the corrugation and has additional grooves. They make the material more rigid. The increased rigidity allows the use of such galvanized corrugated board during the installation of fixed formwork and powerful floors. With it, hangars are built and heavy containers are made, strong fences and garages are erected, and they are also used in the construction of storage facilities, workshops and other structures. It is successfully used as wall sheathing, for roofing, for the manufacture of gates and gates. These types of corrugated board are characterized by amazing strength and durability, which are so important for the above elements of buildings and structures.
  2. Professional flooring of the "NS" brand carries in its designation information about the non-wall-intended purpose of the material. According to its characteristics, this roof sheeting refers to a universal profiled sheet. It has average indicators of the thickness and height of the corrugation and, along with species having increased rigidity, it is used for flooring. They decorate the walls, create roof topcoats and many other elements of houses and structures.
  3. Roofing sheet with the marking "C" speaks of its "wall" purpose. In most cases, they really
    Decked house
    Decked house

    sheathe walls, pre-laying a heater under it. This material is distinguished by grace, because the sheets have medium and small thickness and the same height of the corrugation. Galvanized corrugated board is distinguished by durability, and it makes it possible to apply it to the device for finishing roofing, wall decoration, manufacturing of fencing and other structural elements.


The types of corrugated roofing differ from each other and are successfully used in different construction, but the profile of the S-8 brand with a sheet thickness of 0.4 - 0.8 mm is one of the most popular. It is widely used in various types of work.

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