9 rules for interior work space

Office design needs to be taken quite seriously. Some people turn to the services of designers to find their own style and make a unique design of the workplace. And they do it absolutely right, because acquaintance with the company begins with the interior of the office and the room.

9 rules for office design

  • An employee who is constantly working in the company must have its own place: a table or an office (depending on the position). The worker must keep track of his place.

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  • Cleanliness is very important. A cluttered table and cabinet will not cause a positive impression. The same point includes drinking drinks and lunch at the workplace. If this is allowed, then cleaning after lunch is required. If possible, it is better to have lunch somewhere outside the office. The dishes from which they dine should be presentable. Disposable glasses, plates and so on are not allowed. A great idea for the company would be creating dishes with their own logos.
  • The workplace says a lot about the employee, not only as a clean person (previously covered topic), but also as a person. You should work out all the little things on the desktop: the placement and color of the coasters for the office, the placement of folders and more. If everything looks harmonious, the clients ’eyes will not fall on the table, their attention will be on the employee.

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  • It is necessary to select all things according to your image and status. Even a small thing like a pen can make an impression. Even the lowest-ranking employee may have a gnawed pen.
  • Contacts, documents, notes from clients or other people must be stored so that other office employees cannot read them accidentally. This may affect the relationship with them, may make the customers angry, or even colleagues use the information not to the benefit of the employee.
  • If possible, you should not use the loudspeaker during phone calls, but if you still have to, then, as they say in the rules of good tone, explain the reasons (it is not necessary to tell in detail). This does not quite apply to the interior of the workroom, but it creates a certain atmosphere.

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  • In addition to the workplace, a workplace should be equipped with a resting place. A small sofa, a water cooler - all this will create the necessary conditions for the employees. To arrange a mental rest, you can hang motivational inscriptions that defuse the situation. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise some inscriptions will look like requirements or decrees. If the relations of the team allow, then you can hang some funny pictures, but only in the place where the customers of the company will not see.
  • Furniture does not have to be bulky. It should correspond to the style of the office, be comfortable. Walls, curtains, paintings should be in harmony with each other.
  • Color climate affects the mood and behavior of a person.

And of course, the main thing in the office is the people who work there. No designer can hide the unprofessionalism of employees by the interior.


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