5 rules for home comfort

From ancient times, the creation and maintenance of comfort in the house was assigned to women, laying a heavy burden on their fragile shoulders. Someone can rightly object: what is, in fact, complicated? However, creating coziness in the house is hellish labor. This article will cover five key principles to achieve this.

5 main areas

  • Down with all the unnecessary.

Yes, oddly enough, clearing the field for activities is a priority. Who will like mountains from unnecessary old, unloved or disagreeable things?

On a note!

This creates chaos in the house, the eye clings to it, and the desired aesthetic pleasure is not delivered to the look. In addition, getting rid of trash, not only the house becomes more comfortable and spacious, but the order comes to mind.

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  • The less fragmented furniture the better.

When a room is filled with a large number of different cabinets, cabinets, chests of drawers, etc., this not only eats up most of the space, but also creates pressure from all sides, which certainly does not feel comfortable.

It is better to opt for several spacious wardrobes and complement them with open shelves with deep and spacious shelves.

Read more:20 easy ways to make your home interior stylish and cozy

  • Wicker baskets.

The third paragraph follows smoothly from the second. Different-sized wicker baskets harmoniously fit into the space of shelves of open racks. They can be either with a lid or an open type. This is a great solution, not only beautiful, but also very functional.

On a note!

You can put in baskets what is most often used, and should always be at hand. It’s also convenient when cleaning: you just need to throw everything you’ve removed earlier back. Practically, with one wave of the hand.

Read more:6 secrets of a cozy living room

  • Decorative elements are not always important.

For some reason, when it comes to home comfort, the first thing that pops up in the imagination is all kinds of lace napkins, huge plaids, commemorative figurines, vases, artificial flowers and other little things. But it is worth considering and answering one simple question: is it not excessive?

On a note!

You need to find that fine line when cute little things do not turn into a bunch of banal dust collectors littering the house. It is hard, but possible.

Read more:The interior of a small cozy bedroom: how to properly arrange a nest

  • Love.

No matter how trite it may sound, but only that house in which love and understanding reigns can be cozy. To be not only the place where they return to sleep and eat, but also where the bright emotional response is.

There are no clearly defined rules for what to do. For each, cosiness is achieved by trial and their own mistakes and their corrections. The above tips are intended only to provide food for everyone’s imagination.


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