6 plants that need to be planted in the house to become richer

Mistresses love to have indoor plants growing in their house. But besides the fact that they purify the air, plants can bring good luck and help to get rich. The main thing is to know which ones are able to help.

6 plants to help you get rich

To live well, you need to work. But there are still effective ways that will help increase earnings and bring good luck. It is believed that there are indoor plants, planting which, you can immediately feel that luck is on your side.

Money Tree

This is a plant that does not require care from the owners of the apartment, but is the main magnet that attracts financial well-being to the house. The plant does not bloom, but despite this, fits perfectly into the interior.

In order for financial wealth to become a faithful companion of your family, you need to plant a money tree correctly:

  • grow it from the cuttings;
  • the plant that will be quietly “stolen” grows best - it is recommended to pinch the branch away, in government offices;
  • the plant should be grown in a pot of red, black or green, the only way to attract money to the house;
  • put a coin on the bottom of the pot.

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Dollar tree

If you need financial income in another currency, then you can plant a dollar tree. The plant is unpretentious, reproduces easily. Although zamioculcas affects financial well-being, it is poisonous. Therefore, if there are animals or children in the house, it is not worth letting them into the plant.


During the reign of emperors, geranium was a symbol of philistinism. In fact, the flower is very useful, and it is worth growing at home.

On a note!

Besides the fact that it helps to get rid of insects, it repels moths, so its smell also helps with headaches. Geranium is also a money magnet. This is a plant that needs to create a favorable environment, and then the money will “flow” into the house by itself.

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Happy bamboo

It is a symbol of prosperity and prosperity in eastern countries. The main condition that is required for financial well-being is the well-being of the plant. If you do not care for him, then you should not wait for money in the house.

The plant should stand on the windowsill, where there is a large amount of sunlight. Bamboo can grow even without soil, but then it is worth changing the water periodically to make the plant comfortable.


Not every apartment has a cactus. Yes, if you meet, then most often it stands near a computer to reduce the effects of rays coming from technology. A cactus does not attract money, but, as it turned out, it protects them.

On a note!

With his thorns, he stands guard over the welfare of the family in which he grows. And it helps to strengthen the business qualities of the owners of the house. It is especially important: the financial condition of the family can change dramatically if the cactus blooms.

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Fern - a symbol of the magical fulfillment of desires. He acts as the guarantor of stability. In the house where the fern stands, you will not find unnecessary things. It is noticed that after a fern appears in the house, a large sum of money suddenly appears in the family.

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All the plants described not only help to improve well-being, but also decorate the house. They do not require special care from the owner, so growing them is a pleasure.

Comments on the article: 1
  1. Nata

    These authors of articles do not bother at all and do not turn on their heads ((they write about the money tree “The plant does not bloom” and attach a photo of a flowering plant ... Actually, it blooms, but under certain conditions and only at a very respectable age. But there are varieties of Crassul (money tree), which bloom at an early age, for example, the variety 'Pink Beauty'.

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