Bath plans 3x3: washing and steam room separately and together, photo layout

bath 3x3

The suburban area is not always large and spacious. Even in small areas, people place baths made by themselves, with a dressing room, steam room and washing. There are simple examples of constructions. According to their samples, summer residents can build a small bathhouse. The main thing is to carefully develop the project, think over the layout and you can start construction.

What to consider when building a small bath

Already at the stage of drawing up the drawing, you need to think about how the space inside will look. When calculating the area on which you plan to build a house, consider the size of individual rooms. A large part is occupied by a dressing room, a smaller one by a steam room, and a washing room will occupy a minimum of space. Make a small drawing indicating the area of ​​each room so that at the construction stages you do not encounter inaccuracies or inaccuracies. Having determined the exact dimensions, you can find out how many building materials will be required.

If during the preparation of the plan there are doubts, it is better to buy materials with a small margin. This will save the situation during construction. If after the end of work you have something left, building materials can be used for other purposes.

A small bath should be a room in which you can steam, wash and relax. It is necessary to think over the safety of the room: correctly bring electricity and equip the bath house so that it is comfortable to be in it. You have to make your wits and be able to rationally organize the space inside it.

Useful advice!

A small area requires the proper use of every centimeter.

An example of arranging a small bath

On a small plot, you can build a bath area of ​​9m2. The bathhouse is immediately divided into the following parts:

  • dressing room. In it, people leave things and rest after the steam room. In the dressing room you can put a small table and stools to make it comfortable to sit;
  • steam room. Each steam room should have a stove-heater. It produces heat and steam. The steam room is placed closer to the door of the room. Lounges or shelves are equipped in it so that people can fit in full growth;
  • a sink. A shower or a barrel of clean water is installed in the sink.

The distance between the bathhouse and the apartment building must be at least 15 meters. If the building is located next to a pond or river, you can always get water there. Bath houses are erected in the sand with gravel, without digging a hole. If there is no gravel and sand on the site, you can not do without a pit. They dig it out to a depth of 1.5 m and carefully cover it with soil.

For safety reasons, the steam room needs to be planned taking into account the height of the shelves. The position of the upper shelf is thought out so that a person can go down without hitting his head on a low lintel. Calculate in advance the height of all the shelves and mark it on the drawing. Shops should be of different sizes. High - for experienced bath attendants who are not afraid of heat, and low ones are suitable for vacationers who first come to take a steam bath.

The stove should be located so that a person can reach it while lying on a shelf. The height of the ceilings can be planned as you like, but it is better if it is minimal. The lower the ceiling in the steam room, the faster the room warms up, and the steam does not escape through the cracks.In a small building, they make a high sill at the entrance doors - so that they are always tightly closed.

3 on 3 bath inside

You can make a steam room and dressing room of the same size. If the area allows, equip a place for rest in the form of a small cozy terrace on the porch. The bath stove is laid out against the wall, which connects the two rooms. A small window is always cut in the steam room to periodically ventilate it. It is better to combine a sink with a steam room, and carry out all communications in advance. The hood is installed in the dressing room or steam room.

Insulate a steam room with mineral wool or other insulation. Foiled isolon is used to reflect steam from internal walls. The ceiling is sheathed with aspen, oak or linden lining.

The front door is set on the south side: the snow is melting near the doors earlier. It is convenient to use the bath at any time of the year. Windows cut through with access to the west. It is better if there are three windows: in the vestibule, steam room and sink. You can save electricity and not turn on the light during daylight hours. Windows are needed to ventilate the room. Their sizes are standard: 40x40 cm.

Hang hangers or hooks in the dressing room so that it is convenient to hang clothes and towels on them.

bath 3x3

Materials for construction

Bath houses are built from different materials. The brick-made bath is resistant to fire. Brick refers to refractory building materials, it is resistant to moisture and looks beautiful. A brick bath will need a reliable and solid foundation.

Expanded clay and polystyrene buildings are no worse in quality than brick ones. Both materials have strength, resistance to moisture and low thermal conductivity. If such a house is well heated, expanded clay or polystyrene walls will retain heat for a long time, and it will not cool down over time.

bath 3x3

If you value environmentally friendly materials, the best thing is to build a timber bath. The tree is safe for health and will retain heat for a long time inside the building. In a bathhouse built of wood, the pleasant smell of wood will always remain. Unfortunately, there is no need to talk about the durability of the tree. Since the bathhouse is a place where high humidity is always preserved, the wood will gradually wear out due to temperature changes and excess moisture.

layout of a small bath 3 by 3

To preserve the properties of the tree and in order to prevent fungus, it is treated with special compounds. To paint wood or varnish it is not recommended. Painting or varnishing will not only spoil the appearance of the building, but can also be toxic in a humid environment.

we build a 3 by 3 bath

If you want to build a bathhouse in a short time, choose blocks. Due to their massiveness, you can quickly and easily build a bath house. Always two or three days will be spent on work, but when building a house it needs to be well insulated.

Advantages and disadvantages of a 3x3 bath

A small bathhouse has its pros and cons. Despite the limited space, it is possible to place in it the main rooms necessary for the full-fledged operation of the bath. The small size of the house contributes to the saving of building materials. This is true when building a foundation and wall cladding from the inside. It will take less time and energy to build a small building, and the area will allow you to place a small place for general relaxation. If space allows, over time, a terrace is attached to the bathhouse, where you can drink tea in the summer. When organizing the heating system, it is the small bathhouse that creates the least problems: you do not need to buy expensive large-sized stoves.

The disadvantages of a small building are also several. No more than two or three people can soar in it, but if you get used to it, this will not be a big problem for vacationers. Any small bathhouse is a one-story building in which there is neither a billiard room, nor a bedroom upstairs.In the conditions of small plots, the possibilities of the master are limited, but if you plan everything wisely, the bath house will become a worthy alternative to larger buildings and will not yield to them in terms of efficiency and quality of relaxation.

How to plan a bath with a steam room and a sink

bath 3x3

In a limited construction area, several questions always arise. First: is it advisable to divide the house 3x3 walls or partitions. In practice, projects without partitions are often found when the sink and the steam room are in different corners of the house. If desired, you can equip two separate rooms, dividing the wash and steam room wall. Both options are good and feasible in any conditions, so it is better to consider both:

  • separate arrangement of steam rooms and sinks;
  • steam room and washing together.

It’s impossible to do without difficulties in practice, but with skillful layout of the rooms you can “get out” of any situation and build a worthy alternative to larger buildings.

Separate arrangement of steam rooms and sinks

When planning a 3x3 bath, a sink and a steam room can be together. Before construction, you need to understand how you will use the vestibule or dressing room. To equip a small room in it, you will need to reduce the total area of ​​the steam room and sink. There is a way out: divide the vestibule and the main room of the bathhouse into two equal parts. Another thing is if you want to use the vestibule as a hallway where you can leave clothes and things. In this case, a minimum amount of space is allocated to it, trying to leave more space for the washing and steam rooms, combined with each other.

bath 3x3

When arranging small steam rooms, special attention should be paid to the design and power of the stove. A small room can easily be overheated. To prevent overheating, install a furnace with a power regulator. When combining a steam room with a sink of high humidity, it will not be possible to avoid, as well as high temperatures (70, 90C and above). It will be uncomfortable to wash at such temperatures, but in a small area it is difficult to equip a full-fledged bathhouse with a brick stove or stone lining. If possible, increase the size of the steam room so as to make brickwork in it for a small stove. Sometimes the owners of small bath houses adjust to the "management" of the stove. They manage to maintain a room temperature suitable for washing thoroughly after the steam room.

Steam room and washing together

With separate design of the sink and steam room, you will have to slightly expand the original plan. It needs to be done most per meter, and then you can separate the washing and steam small partition. Only one meter will be allocated to the washing space, without taking into account the thickness of the walls. You will receive a decent-sized steam room if you reduce the rest room or remove it completely, leaving a small dressing room.


The door leading from the steam room to the courtyard should always open outward. This will make it easy to knock it out when overheating.

Bath stoves with separate firebox, sink, steam room


With separate equipment, the furnaces, steam rooms and sinks take the stove to the lounge. The heat spreads throughout the house, and whether it will be enough depends on the season, the power of the stove and the height of the ceilings. An important role in the preservation of heat is played by wall insulation. There are good examples when the washing and steam rooms are located separately: they can be found in the photo.

Sometimes one side of the furnace is taken out to the washing room. This practice is used when laying brick ovens. The washing room is also heated with the help of a tank heating the stove. In a small room, it makes a good natural heater. If the condition of the wiring allows, the use of electric heaters is allowed. You can also equip a mini system of underfloor heating.

It is best to install an oven with a power regulator in a small bathhouse. This will help to avoid overheating. Power controllers are provided in a gas and electric furnace.Proponents of traditions do not like such “innovations” and prefer to use wood heating. It has already been mentioned that you need to be able to handle a brick oven. If you have certain skills, a person will cope with wood heating.

Some useful tips

bath 3x3

There are several more points to consider when building a bath:

  • place the house on a raised platform;
  • minimum distance of the bathhouse from the house - 8 m,
  • do not install the bathhouse in the immediate vicinity of a reservoir or well;
  • Other wooden structures that can easily catch fire cannot be placed near;
  • You can not put a house in a lowland or place with a high level of groundwater.

The distance between the building and other objects should be:

  • from water bodies - 15 m;
  • from the roads - 10 m;
  • from fences - 3m;
  • from the wells - 5 m.

Near the bathhouse you can plant trees, shrubs or hedges. To preserve heat, it is better to make double floors, laying a layer of good insulation between the boards. The walls must be sheathed with solid material, not stinting on its purchase. Instead of a wood stove, it is better to use a convenient and safe electric fireplace. It is simpler and safer than masonry and firewood, and works better than a conventional heater.

A small and comfortable bath can be put on the site yourself. When using modern building materials, it will retain heat and will last a long time.

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